"The Awesome True Story of Santa!"

A direct and honest way to (re)introduce Santa Claus to your child


I wanted to be transparent about Santa Claus with my child from the start, and so this rhyming story was born.


The book tells of the origins of the man we now call Santa, and how he inspired others to give without seeking anything in return. We learn about why we continue to think of him when we give presents in the dark of winter, and how it can be fun to gift in secret and pretend that it's from "Santa Claus". 


The book ends on a note of inspiration: "If you give, you can be Santa, too!"

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Whether your child is ready for the truth about Santa Claus, or you want to be upfront about Santa from the very beginning, this rhyming story will help you start the conversation in an honest and positive way. Kids will learn about the origin story of Saint Nicholas in a secular, non-religions context. They will find out how "Saint Nick" inspired others to give selflessly, without needing thanks or praise. The story highlights why we continue to think of this person, who lived a long time ago, when we give holiday presents to each other. The reader will understand why it can be fun to gift in secret and pretend that the gift is from "Santa".

The book ends with a message to inspire the child to keep the spirit of Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Père Noël, Sinterklaas, Father Christmas, Grandfather Frost, Ded Moroz, or whatever they choose to call the character, alive through their own generosity.

Beautifully illustrated and featuring diverse characters and families, this book would make an excellent holiday present for a kid of any age. The story uses simple, direct language and bright imagery, sure to keep the attention of toddlers through tweens.

Some excerpts from the book:

Long ago lived a man named Saint Nick...


This rhyming picture book begins with a simplified and secularly re-told story of Saint Nicholas, introducing him as an actual person who really lived a long time ago.


He met a father whose children were sick,

And they needed some money for food.

Nick thought, if he helped, it’d be good!

He’d give money to last them for days…

But he wanted no thanks, and no praise...

He decided he’d give a surprise!

So he went to their home in disguise.

As he secretly leaves a surprise gift, Nicholas is discovered and explains that he would rather his good deeds remained anonymous. 

Nick said, “Listen, don’t tell anyone,

I don’t want praise for what I have done.

Please don’t say who the presents are from.” Then Saint Nicholas headed back home. 

But the truth gets out, and soon other people are catching the spirit of giving.


But the family’s Dad was excited!

In his heart, he felt warm and delighted.

So he shared this tale with a friend,

Who told others and started a trend!

 In the winters, so cold and so dark,

People gifted in secret, to spark

feelings warm in their hearts, like a hug.

But when asked who it’s from, they would shrug.

They’d say, “Maybe it was from Saint Nick!”


They’d pretend; what a fun little trick!

We tell tales of Saint Nick, Santa Claus,

Père Noël, Sinterklaas, Ded Moroz…

Doesn’t matter what you call that man.

When he lived, he was kind, and you can

think of him when you’re giving a present...

Being generous feels warm and pleasant!

The book ends with a message to inspire children to continue the spirit of selfless gift-giving. 


Friends can be Santa Claus for each other,

Older sis can be Claus for her brother,

Dad or Gramps can be Santa for you...


If you give, YOU can be Santa, too!