Canadian children's author



Polina Buchan is a Canadian children's writer, professor and parent who lives in Kingston, Ontario. She mainly writes books for curious toddlers. Polina is passionate about showcasing inclusive language and diversity in her work. Polina's books use simple, direct language, and often display realistic imagery or photographs to engage the child. As a parent who aims to apply Gentle Parenting and the Montessori method with her own child, Polina reflects those principles in her books as well.

"The Awesome True Story of Santa!"

A direct and honest way to (re)introduce Santa Claus to your child


I wanted to be transparent about Santa Claus with my child from the start, and so this rhyming story was born.


The book tells of the origins of the man we now call Santa, and how he inspired others to give without seeking anything in return. We learn about why we continue to think of him when we give presents in the dark of winter, and how it can be fun to gift in secret and pretend that it's from "Santa Claus". 


The book ends on a note of inspiration: "If you give, you can be Santa, too!"

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How many grown-ups does it take to make a family? Maybe your family is "unconventional", but I bet it is not that uncommon!

This book is for children of unconventional/non-traditional families and for anyone who wants to introduce a child to the idea that families come in all shapes and sizes.

Lovingly hand-illustrated, the book features a diversity of family configurations, including: 

  • queer families,
  • multi-generational families,
  • polyamorous families,
  • single-parent families,
  • co-parenting families,
  • an adoptive family,
  • a step-family,
  • a foster family

Available on Amazon in most regions!

Some of my books are now also available at Bookland (2800 Princess St., Kingston). 


Please consider supporting Bookland's GoFundMe campaign, if you are able. Let's help this independent local bookstore get out of pandemic debt and continue to be part of our community. 

In Kingston, Ontario, you can also find my books at:

  • Novel Idea
  • Happy Thoughts
  • Alphabet Mafia